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How user friendly design benefits your company

Help the user to fully utilize your product through intuitive interfaces and logical flows.

Become acute on your value proposition by understanding your user's behavior and goals.

This makes it easier for you to promote and sell your product.

Reduce product complexity and maintenance by identifying and eliminating irrelevant features and focusing on what creates value for your users.

Reduce support calls, allowing more users on the platform

Project process

Example: Project Plan & Tools

Collect information

Data is collected through fieldwork, interviews, workshops, etc. to get an understanding of the context, the target group and the purpose of the product.

  • Interviews
  • Fieldwork
  • Workshops
  • Competitor analysis
  • Statistics
  • Support tickets
Understand the user's needs

The collected data is thereafter analyzed to uncover patterns of user behavior, needs and pain points.

  • Personas
  • User journeys
  • User stories
  • Flow charts
  • Affinity Diagram
  • Swimlane Diagram
Prioritize & specify requirements

The users needs are prioritized and a plan of implementation is made. Measurable usability criterias for the MVP is made which will be used to concept develop and validate the concept during the tests.

  • MVP mapping
  • Usability criterias
  • Strategic decisions (Competition, New market opportunities)
Concept development

An overview of the screens, their content and optimal flow is created. Next, various concepts are developed and illustrated as wireframes and lo-fi prototypes. The usability of the concepts is validated by users or relevant stakeholders in-house. Ease of implementation is assessed by the development team. The overall best concept(s) is further developed into a hi-fi prototype that can be used for test and validation.

  • Wireframes
  • Screen flows
  • Content map
  • Prototypes
  • Design elements
  • Animations
Test & Validate

To ensure a good user experience the usability of the concepts are tested by doing qualitative and quantitative usability tests on relevant stakeholders. Based on the test results, a concept is chosen or re-designed until all usability criteria and an overall satisfaction are met.

  • Think out load
  • Action path
  • Heatmap
  • Surveys
  • Snap test
  • Interaction test
  • Draw back
Final design & Handover

A final design is made to match the company's brand. All components, animations, screens and flows are specified and an order of when and how which elements are to be implemented is made. A report is prepared stating the decisions made throughout the process and the reason for the chosen design. This makes it easier to do design changes during implementation as well as later on, since the consequences become more transparent.

  • Screen design & flows
  • Component & animation specifications
  • Prototypes
  • Implementation plan
  • Report on the findings

Before project start, a meeting is held to match our expectations regarding the problem, process and solution. Based on the meeting a project plan is made. During the project, the work is continuously held up against the project plan to ensure that every stakeholder is aligned and that we are aiming towards a desired goal. Several factors such as time, economy, availability of users, access to resources, insights from the analysis or tests that takes the project in a different direction may cause changes in the project.

It is therefore important that there is an ongoing dialogue throughout the project, so that we can adapt the plan to what makes sense to you. This can e.g. take place through milestones where the project is divided into phases, and after each phase, results from the phase are presented and it is discussed whether the project plan is still valid or whether adjustments need to be made.


An ongoing dialogue is the key to a satisfactory end result.

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